
Customer Testimonials

What our customers have to say about their Moray Firth Tours experience

Happy Customers

We strive to deliver the best possible experience for each and every one of our customers.

Here's what some of our customers have to say about their experience with Moray Firth Tours…

We contacted with David at the last minute and what happened to be the last weekend of the whiskey season/distillery tours. He was gracious, knowledgeable and very accommodating. I most certainly recommend David; he sets the bar high for others to follow.

Sandra from New Hampshire, USA – November 2016

David is prompt, professional and very knowledgable about the Speyside region and its vast offerings of whisky, history and amazing scenery. You can bet I’ll be booking Moray Firth Tours on my next trip across! Thank you David

Stephanie Price from Ontario, Canada – September 2016

David was awesome, flexible and gave us great recommendations!

Janel Riley from California, USA – August 2016

We had booked 3 months in advance with another driver, who did not respond one week prior to our trip. David was able to step in last minute and give us an amazing day of distillery tours in Speyside. He drives a very comfortable van with plenty of space. He also has a great personality and willingness to help that made our day even more amazing. If we ever make it back to Scotland, we will be booking with David first thing!

Pamela from South Carolina, USA – August 2016

Had an amazing experience with MFT during the Spirit of Speyside 2016. Dave came through in flying colors, driving our group all over creation, giving us personal tips and connecting us with whisky shops we might not otherwise have visited. Moray Firth Tours is my “go-to” recommendation for properly touring the area. Thanks!

Ed Dyer from Pristina, Kosovo - April 2016

Moray Firth Tours and David gave us at the Railway Club Whisky an experience in the area of Elgin and Dufftown, we rarely could imagine. With his local knowledge. We got a trip that I will not forget. Do not hesitate to hire David.

Andreas from Gothenburg, Sweden - April 2016

David is very service minded and flexible. He has good knowledge about the area. Railway Whisky Club is very pleased with his service. Highly recommended.

Bengt from Lilla Edet, Sweden - April 2016